Stacking The Shelves is a meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts and of course ebooks!

Titles link back to Goodreads
• Uglies by Scott Westerfeld (purchased)
• Pretties by Scott Westerfeld (purchased)
• Specials by Scott Westerfeld (purchased)
• The Vampire Diaries: Destiny Rising by L.J. Smith (purchased)
• Popular by Maya Van Wagenen (thanks to Penguin, AU)
• The Break-Up Artist by Philip Siegel (thanks to Harlequin Teen, AU)
It was only two weeks between book hauls this time (not a whole year again, so I think I did pretty well). I’ve been wanting to start Scott Westerfeld’s Uglies series for quite a while now, so I gave in and ordered these with the cool black/fluorescent covers. I still need to order my copy of Extras, but I’m saving that for another one down the track. I snatched up this copy of The Vampire Diaries for less than $2 on Booktopia this week, which I’m really happy with. I needed it to round out that trilogy of the seemingly never-ending series. I’ll have to start collecting the next lot with the blue covers soon. I’ve only read the first four that L.J. Smith actually wrote, though. I’m not sure when the ghostwriters took over, but it hasn’t stopped me collecting the books. Maybe I’ll read them one day when the TV show ends and I want another fix.
Popular has been sitting around my room for a couple weeks now. It was a free gift from Felicity at the Penguin Teen Australia blogger/reader meetup in Brisbane on the 7th of April. It doesn’t particularly look like my kind of book, but it’s pretty thin so I might give it a go sometime in between the other bigger books I’ve got scheduled at the moment. Lastly, I got a copy of The Break-Up Artist to review. I’m really looking forward to this one. The blurb sounds like a lot of fun. I’ve been getting into contemporaries more and more lately, so I’m hoping this one clicks with me too.
Here are some of my latest reviews if you want to check them out:
Cross, Julie Tempest #3, Timestorm
de Pierres, Marianne Night Creatures #3, Shine Light
Hodkin, Michelle Mara Dyer #1, The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer
Rowell, Rainbow, Fangirl
That’s it for this time. So, what books have you gotten lately? Let me know in the comments.

Love those Uglies covers, Brett! So much nicer than my original ones.
Love the matching fluoro covers of the Uglies series. I hope you enjoy them. I’ve heard so much about them over the years but never decided to take the plunge myself. 🙂
I’ve read Uglies, but I haven’t gotten a chance to read the rest of the books. The cliffhanger though in the book one – whaaaat?? I need to finish the series though, it’s too good not to finish. 🙂 Great haul – enjoy your goodies and have a great weekend!
Nice little stack there! I should read more Scott Westerfeld…
My StS.
I really want to pick up the Uglies series at some point since I’ve heard pretty good things about it 🙂
Happy reading and have a good weekend!
I love the names in this series – Uglies, Special, Pretties…Awesome. I hope you enjoy all your new books!
Uglies is one of my favourite series! I’ve seen a lot of elements that are in it in other books but this one did do it first. I’m reading Popular, half way through it and although it might not be your kind of book I do recommend it – I was surprised by how funny Maya is! I was nearly crying with laughter at one of her Popularity tips.
This week I visited UK’s most beautiful library! Find me Under The Mountain
I read Scott Westerfeld’s series a while back and it’s totally awesome! I may have to reread them soon because I never actually got around to reading Specials or Extras. I really love the editions that you purchased! I hope you enjoy all of your books and thank you for sharing. 🙂
Lots of awesome books for you to read Brett! I haven’t read that series by Scott Westerfield yet but I have some of the books sitting on my shelf to read. I hope you enjoy Fangirl, it is fantastic!
I’ve always wanted to read The Ugly series! Those new covers look great together! Hope you enjoy the series!
My Stack
LOVE the new Uglies covers – I think I have book lust! 😀
Enjoy all of your new books too!
Stacking the Shelves #35
Those new Uglies covers are gorgeous! I have my series on Kindle, but might snatch those new ones up in paperback too. I loved the series, but not Extras, it’s completely different characters and just felt awkward. Oh, if you’re looking for cheap Vampire Diaries books, I picked up around 10 from this site;jsessionid=39D17B2234D6CC23536F40E6E82B5325 it’s in Sydney, but you can buy online with a credit card. Most of them are under $1.00. Cheap as 🙂 Awesome haul.
Ahhh, The Break-Up Artist, I received it In the mail unexpectedly back last month and I was really surprised by it, didn’t think it would be my type of book but really enjoyed it! 🙂 Yeah, see I want to continue TVD series (I think I’ve only read up to #4 too) but really hate the idea of what they did, you know? So kind of don’t want to, too. 🙁 Happy reading! 🙂
Here’s mine
Kirsty @ StudioReads
I love those covers for Uglies! I still have to read this series (I know, I’m super behind) but would need to get the matching set lol
Hope you enjoy all of your new books!
xoxo, Ellie