Title: The Sunlight Slayings (Oliver Nocturne #2)
Author: Kevin Emerson
Published: August, 2009 by Scholastic
Pages: 224
Purchase: The Book Depository
Oliver Nocturne finds himself reunited with Emalie’s cousin, Dean, who has returned as a zombie. Dean has information on something that is shaking up the vampire community – vampire children are mysteriously being turned to dust. Oliver and Dean reconnect with Emalie, and the three of them set out to solve the mystery and in the process encounter the Fallen Brotherhood, a human group fighting against vampires. And the Brotherhood has some news for Oliver ….
Final Thoughts:
If you enjoyed the first book, The Vampire’s Photograph, you’ll most likely be kept entertained with this second instalment. Oliver, Emalie and Dean are all back, yes Dean too. There’s plenty of rodent eating, unnecessary secret keeping and a little bit more insight into Oliver’s destiny. I’m not in the target age group so it did leave a lot to be desired for me, but if I were still a tween I’d be all over this.