
Follow Friday is a meme hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read, where people spread the book love by following around the blogosphere! The featured blogs this week are Jennie Elyse and Caught In The Pags, and this week’s question is:
Have you ever wanted a villain to win at the end of a story? If so, which one??

I have a couple, they both happen to be angel books too.
Crescendo by Becca Fitzpatrick – I just wanted it over with, even if that meant we had to kill Nora off in some water based electrocution. The archangels could get their way and we wouldn’t have to put up with any more of the whining and indecisiveness. Why Patch chose to fall for Nora, who knows…

A Beautiful Dark by Jocelyn Davies – This one had me growling at the pages. The love triangle, actually make that a square, was just weird. Who was good, who was evil, were they both evil? I actually found myself loving the horrible ending, if only that would be the end of her.


Follow Friday is a meme hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read, where people spread the book love by following around the blogosphere! The featured blogs this week are Belle Books and Stuck In Books, and this week’s question is:
If you could write yourself a part in a book, what book would it be and what role would you play in that book?

Well I’d love to be in The Demon’s Surrender, the characters are snarky and nothing short of amazing. While I do love each and every one of them, I think their lives are way too dangerous for me. The ever-impending prospect of death via demons or crazed magicians, or demons working with crazed magicians. No I’ll stay where I am or maybe just pop in and give Jamie a hug and then get the hell out of there before Nick starts menacing me with his giant sword. I actually wouldn’t mind writing myself into Hush, Hush or probably Crescendo. I’d make myself one of Patch’s friends so I could worm my way into Nora’s life. Then when she’d invariably do something stupid, I’d slap some sense into her, and maybe teach her how to read street signs.


Follow Friday is a meme hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read, where people spread the book love by following around the blogosphere! The featured blogs this week are Teen Fiction Centre and Steph Likes Books, and this week’s question is:
How has your reading habits changed since you were a teen? or If you are still a teen what new genres are you in love with currently?

As a teen, the only things I read were the books we got assigned at high school and even then, I’d try and read as little as possible and just get the essay over and done with. School really doesn’t make reading fun. I think around age 11 or 12 (the tween years) I was reading the occasional TV tie-in book because I loved Charmed and wanted more of it in between episodes. The only other books I read as a teen were the Twilight series, and I thought they were amazing at the time, but really I had nothing to compare them to.

It wasn’t until around January this year that I got back into reading and realised what I’d been missing. So now I’m verging on 22, and I’m addicted to books. I’ve bought about 120 of them since January. I love the vampire genre, whether they be good, evil or confused. Urban fantasy always seems to attract me too, especially Sarah Rees Brennan’s Demon’s Lexicon trilogy. If I had to survive with only one book for the rest of my life, it would be that one. I love me some Nick Ryves, best character ever.