
Stacking The Shelves is a meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts and of course ebooks!

Titles link back to Goodreads
The Iron Legends by Julie Kagawa (purchased)
The Lost Prince by Julie Kagawa (thanks to Publisher)
Covet by Melissa Darnell (thanks to Publisher)
Onyx by Jennifer L. Armentrout (purchased)
Spark by Brigid Kemmerer (purchased)
Endless by Jessica Shirvington (purchased)

I only actually got three of these this week. I haven’t done one of these for over a month now–I just haven’t had the time. Last weekend I was busy going to a Patrick Wolf concert, and the ones before… well, I’ve been behind. I just read Storm by Brigid Kemmerer yesterday and really got into it, so I’m hoping that will keep me in the mood to read. That being said, I did pick up Gossip Girl Season Five yesterday as well, so I could end up marathoning that instead. Onto the books I picked up..thanks to Harlequin Teen for sending The Lost Prince, although I haven’t read any of the Iron Fey books yet, so I think I need to get onto that. I can’t decide what to pick up next though, both Onyx and Spark are calling to me. But knowing myself, I’ll probably end up picking up something else entirely.

Here are my latest reviews if you want to check them out:
Aihara, Miki Hot Gimmick #1-3, Hot Gimmmick, Omnibus 1
Kemmerer, Brigid Elemental #1, Storm
Marsden, John Tomorrow #3, The Third Day, The Frost


Title: Storm (Elemental #1)
Author: Brigid Kemmerer
Published: April, 2012 by KTeen
Pages: 358
Rating: ★★★★☆ 
Purchase: The Book Depository

Becca Chandler is suddenly getting all the guys all the ones she doesn’t want. Ever since her ex-boyfriend spread those lies about her. Then she saves Chris Merrick from a beating in the school parking lot. Chris is different. Way different: he can control water just like his brothers can control fire, wind, and earth. They’re powerful. Dangerous. Marked for death.

And now that she knows the truth, so is Becca.

Secrets are hard to keep when your life’s at stake. When Hunter, the mysterious new kid around school, turns up with a talent for being in the wrong place at the right time, Becca thinks she can trust him. But then Hunter goes head-to-head with Chris, and Becca wonders who’s hiding the most dangerous truth of all.

The storm is coming

Final Thoughts:
Finally finished this one! It took me a few weeks, but that was due more in part to a lack of reading time than a downfall on the book’s part. In fact, once I got focussed on Storm, I didn’t want to do anything else. It’s been hard finding a book that could do that in a while. While I didn’t give this one five stars, it was a solid read. A highlight for me was Becca—a main character that was actually likeable. Too often I groan at the idiotic things protagonists get up to, but thankfully, that didn’t happen this time.

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Stacking The Shelves is a meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts and of course ebooks!

Titles link back to Goodreads
Whisper by Alyson Noel (thanks to Publisher)
Every Other Day by Jennifer Lynn Barnes (thanks to Publisher)
Tricked by Kevin Hearne (purchased)
Unraveling by Elizabeth Norris (purchased)
Endure by Carrie Jones (purchased)
Storm by Brigid Kemmerer (purchased)
Sweet Evil by Wendy Higgins (purchased)
Hush Hush: Graphic Novel by Becca Fitzpatrick (purchased)
Kill Me Softly by Sarah Cross (purchased)
The Hunt by Andrew Fukuda (thanks to Publisher)
City Of Lost Souls by Cassandra Clare (purchased)

I took a detour from my reading after I got stuck of Red Glove for over four weeks, so I decided not to post any of my book goodies until I got back into reviewing. I’ve since finished that book, as well as Endure. Neither particularly excited me, but I’m hoping City Of Lost Souls will fix that slump for me. Those books usually suck me back in. I was one of those that actually enjoyed the Simon focus last time around. With my bookshelves still packed away in storage, I’ve just got boxes of books shoved under my bed and now piles growing around the room. These have only added to that. Not that that’s a bad thing, I love getting more books. I just wish I had room to display them again.

Here are my latest reviews if you want to check them out:
Black, Holly The Curse Workers #2, Red Glove
Jones, Carrie Need #4, Endure

Link up to your mailbox and I’ll be sure to check it out!