I got up at 5:30am this morning to get ready for the three hour drive to Brisbane for the Lauren Kate Passion Tour – Brisbane Signing. Thankfully, I wasn’t the one driving. After a stop off for a Maccas breaky, Brittany (Nice Girls Read Books) and I arrived early at the shopping centre. Checking out Dymocks, we only found a couple people lined up outside, so we took off to scope out all the bookstores. Mistake. Half an hour later, a line had appeared and we ended up standing all the way outside the doors of the shopping centre for a good forty-five minutes. I’d just bought five books at the shops and had my three Lauren Kate books for the signing, so my shoulder was well and truly sore by the time we reached the front of the line.

It was actually fairly well organised and fast moving once things got going. Lauren would take your stack of books and you’d hop up on the stage with her while she signed them and get some photos with her.

While we were there, Brittany and I caught up with Melissa from Spellbound By Books again. It’s always fun to be able to catch up with other bloggers. Although, we didn’t get to check out the bookstores with her… next time.

Lauren was really nice and friendly, commenting on what good condition my personal library must be in based on how well my books were cared for 😉

I loved the vibe there, and it was fun watching all of the shoppers walk by, staring as they tried to figure out what’s going on. This was my second author signing so far, and definitely worth the trip. Although, right about now, I feel like crashing into bed for the next twelve hours. A big thanks to my little brother for driving us.