Title: The Demon’s Surrender (The Demon’s Lexicon #3)
Author: Sarah Rees Brennan
Published: June, 2011 by Simon and Schuster
Pages: 383
Purchase: The Book Depository
The Goblin Market has always been the centre of Sin’s world. She’s a dancer and a performer, secure in her place. But now the Market is at war with the magicians, and Sin’s place is in danger. Keeping secrets from the market she loves, struggling with a friend who has become a rival, Sin is thrown together with the Ryves brothers, Nick and Alan – whom she’s always despised. But Alan has been marked by a magician, to be tortured as the magician pleases, and as Sin watches Alan struggle to protect the brother he loves, she begins to see both brothers in a new light. But how far will brother go to save brother – and what will it cost them all?
Final Thoughts:
A full on rollercoaster of emotions. I was left in tears as I turned the final page. This is definitely a five star read. If you haven’t read The Demon’s Lexicon yet, where have you been? Get on to that now, as these books are so laden with twists that my review may spoil the start of the series for you.