Title: Forbidden (The Demon Trappers #2)
Author: Jana Oliver
Published: September, 2011 by Pan Macmillan
Thanks: Pan Macmillan, AU
Pages: 416
Purchase: The Book Depository
Riley’s beginning to think being a demon trapper isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. Her dad’s been stolen by a necromancer, her boyfriend’s gone all weird and she’s getting warm and fuzzy feelings for someone who’s seriously bad news. It’s tempting to give it all up and try to be normal, but that’s not an option. Because the demons have plans for Riley. And they’re not the only ones.
Final Thoughts:
While the first book introduced lots of world building, this one felt scaled back in that regard. The dystopian-esque setting takes the backseat to Riley’s love life and the trust issues surrounding her after the events of Forsaken. I liked the romantic focus, but when there’s a love square (yes – she has three potential love interests) you end up spreading things a little thinly with some of them. The final quarter of the book does pack some serious punch though, so if you can stick around until then it’ll probably hook you enough to come back for book three.