In My Mailbox is a meme hosted by The Story Siren, which allows bloggers to share what books they’ve received in the past week. They can be from stores, contests, tours or publishers!

• Beautiful Creatures by Kami Garcia & Margaret Stohl (library)
• Texas Gothic by Rosemary Clement-Moore (library)
• Lockdown by Alexander Gordon Smith (library)
• Touch by Jus Accardo (purchased) – My Review
Three library books this week, saved some money which was good. I’ve been waiting on Texas Gothic and Lockdown for over a month. They were in stock at the main city library but it took them forever to get it transferred out to the branch near me. I’ve been thinking about trying the Caster Chronicles for a while so I thought I’d borrow it in case I end up liking it and want to buy the new hardcover collector’s box rather than being stuck with the individual paperbacks. And Touch, it’s my only purchase for the week. I read it a couple days ago and thought it was awesome – exactly my kind of book.
Here are my latest reviews if you want to check them out:
Accardo, Jus Denazen #1, Touch
Derting, Kimberly The Pledge #1, The Pledge
Link up to your mailbox and I’ll be sure to check it out!